
International Support


Australian Mutuals Foundation

We are a proud supporter of AMF who support Australian Children and youth who are at risk of abuse or neglect, or who are disadvantaged in terms of housing, medical care or education. They also assist remote and disadvantaged communities in impoverished South East Asian and South Pacific countries to facilitate microfinance benefits to assist the poor to generate income.
For more information please visit


Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU)

We support this regional member based organisation of credit unions and cooperatives in Asia. Working in partnership with their members, ACCU strengthens and promotes credit unions as effective instruments of socio-economic development of the people.
To find out more please visit


Oceania Confederation of Credit Union Leagues (OCCUL)

The Oceania Confederation who are representing the Credit Union movement in the Pacific. Established in 2009, OCCUL provide membership services and technical assistance to the Pacific. To find out more please visit their social media page here.